Back Test Systematic Equity Plan

Like Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) that allows people to invest in mutual funds (MFs) in a periodic way, Systematic Equity Plan (SEP) is a way in which investments are made directly in a particular stock or set of stocks in a fixed proportion on periodic basic e.g. weekly, fortnightly, monthly.

SEP helps you with building a disciplined approach towards direct equity investing. Longterm equity investing can be very rewarding and can help you with your financial freedom.

Using this tool, you can backtest Systematic Equity Plan for an individual stock or a randomly selected portfolio of 10 stocks or a specific portfolio that you have in your mind up to 10 stocks and see how the Dividend Reinvestment/Bonus/Splits impact the investment value over long term. Construct your own Coffee Can Investment portfolio and get amazed with the potential value that can get created over a period of decades. Remember that you can back test data, but you cannot back test emotions!

Note: This amount will be invested in every Stock you select.

Note: After End Date Dividends will not be ReInvested