With every passing day, as medical science & healthcare advances, average human life expectancy is going to increase. It is anticipated that the human life expectancy could cross 90 years.

To put things in financial perspective, if one starts earning at the age of 22 years and retires at the age of 60 years and lives a healthy life till the age of 90 years, he/she gets a total of 38 years of earning life. During this span, one not only has to ensure that he/she takes care of the financial wellbeing of his/her family, but also ensure that he/she has saved enough to stay financially independent for the next 30 years when he/she would be out of employment and would not be earning!

Are you prepared for undertaking your own journey of financial well being? It is imperative that everyone gets a basic understanding of personal finance to maintain their financial wellbeing.

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